Remains of the Past: The Dovecote of Beau Vallon Estate

Beau Vallon Dovecote Pigeonniere Mauritius

In the early periods of the Sugar Boom, time when the sugar industry was known to be the backbone of the economy, many sugar estates, as a prestige symbol, raised pigeons on their lands. These pigeons were raised in structures called ‘Dovecotes’ (french: Pigeonnier) where small openings allowed the pigeons to get inside and make their dwellings.

The main reasons where because of the pigeon eggs, their flesh and even their dungs. The uses would vary. Today, very few of these structures still remain. On the above picture, the Beau Vallon Sugar Estate, now closed, still has it kept as a souvenir of the past. Some others can also be seen at St Aubin Old Estate, in the yard of the Riche en Eau estate castle, and also at Beau Champs.

It was more or less a sign of the Noble families from the french revolution and regime and their privilege.

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