Sadally – The Tunnel – Old Railway Bridge – Mauritius Railways AD 1924
Many of us go by this road very often but we might not have given it consideration. These narrow stone walls at the exit of the ‘Sugar Road’ towards Sadally is actually an old railway bridge! ‘M.R A.D 1924’ – Mauritius Railways A.D 1924 written on it. It is said that this bridge was supposed to be an additional railway line from Vacoas to Floreal but hasn’t been set to usage, whilst some other sayings confirm such railway tracks running through this part of Vacoas. At the time of writing no complete railway line map could be obtained to verify this information, but serious assumptions and testimonies from nearby habitants confirm the theory. This exit from the Sugar Road towards Sadally is also known as the ‘Tunnel’.
The tracks part went overhead the road at the bottom. If it is said that the ‘Metro Leger’ will use the same railway routes, will this be used in the future? There are houses on both sides of it. Gallery below of this bridge at various angles.