Vacoas – The Mobile Bread Seller – Hossanee (mobile phone image)
Seen on the main roads of Vacoas early mornings, Mr Hossannee is among the few remaining people that are still doing this job. From the nearby bakery, he will collect and load his breads in big baskets and on his faithful old bicycle he will roam the streets of Vacoas towards his subscribed customers. He will deliver the bread daily, both on sunny and rainy days. He has been doing this job since 1963 and in his old age he doesn’t seem to give up soon enough. He is well-known in the region by everyone, both the habitants and the dogs he encounters everyday. “Tous dimounes conne mwa dan lendroit, mem licien si conne mwa bien!”, hearing him narrate his brief story.
Courage is not what he lacks and is very persistent in this traditional job, and he likes what he does. For sure, it is not certain this will be carried over when he will no longer be on this earth but what the footprints he is leaving behind will be remembered through many years.