When the French settled in Mauritius they built many Sugar Mills as at that time Sugar Cane was a highly profitable and prosperous activity. After the French period, the English Colony continued this activity with even more production and mills built around the island at different estates. With time, however, sugarcane knew a decline in demand and production had to be decreased. Many of these mills were pulled down… but some of their chimneys only remained.
In 1858 there were about 259 sugar mills in Mauritius, however, due to the process of centralization, where sugar estates which were family owned estates merge into companies, the number of sugar mills have decreased to 137 sugar mills in 1888 and 79 sugar mills in 1903
Here is a collection of various chimneys we have encountered round the island. There are still lots but with time we’ll find them and update this list. We also found that not all of these stone chimneys were of sugar mills, there was also those for the preparation of lime from corals…
Beau Sejour Sugar Mill Chimney 1868
Mont Mascall Sugar Mill Chimney
Cottage Sugar Mill Chimney
Queen Victoria Old Sugar Mill
Belle Rose Old Sugar Mill Chimney
Midlands Old Sugar Mill Chimney
St Hubert Old Sugar Mill Chimney
Mont Choisy Old Mill Chimney and Ruins
Union Vale Sugar Mill Chimney
Savinia Old Sugar Mill Chimney
Bon Air Old Sugar Mill Chimney
Benares Old Sugar Mill Chimney
Grande Rosalie Old Mill Chimney
L’Espoire Mill Chimney in Ruins
Belle Vue Harel Old Sugar Mill Chimney
Deux Bras Old Sugar Mill Chimney and Ruins
St Aubin Old Mill Chimney
Deep River Old Mill Chimney
Cote D’Or Old Sugar Mill Chimney
Poudre D’Or Sugar Mill Chimney
Belle Vue Old Sugar Mill Chimney
Stone Chimney found at the Alma Estate. Said to be the chimney of the sugar mill.
Chimney at L’Escalier
Mon Loisir Old Sugar Mill Chimney
Mont Eulalia Old Sugar Mill Chimneys
Bagatelle Old Sugar Mill Chimney
Gros Cailloux Old Sugar Mill Chimney and Ruins
Benares Mill Chimney
Solitude Old Sugar Mill Chimney
St Felix Old Sugar Mill Chimney
Mare D’Albert Old Sugar Mill Chimney
Chamarel Old Sugar Mill Chimney
Terracine Old Sugar Mill Chimney
Petite Julie Old Mill Chimney
Joli Bois Sugar Mill Chimney
La Lucie Old Sugar Mill Chimney and Ruins
Mon Desert Mon Tresor Old Sugar Mill Chimney
Chimney of the once Mon Desert Alma Sugar Estate, St Pierre
Belle Mare Old Sugar Mill Chimney
Britannia Old Sugar Mill Chimney
Surinam Old Sugar Mill Chimney
Sans Souci Old Mill Chimney
Virginia Old Sugar Mill Chimneys
L’Amitie Old Sugar Mill Chimney and Ruins
Beau Bois Old Mill Chimney
The Mount Sugar Mill Chimney
Mapou Chimney
Gros Bois Sugar Mill Stone Chimneys
Argy Old Mill Chimney
Belle Rose Old Sugar Mill Chimney
Poste de Flacq Old Mill Chimney
Grande Retraite Old Sugar Mill Chimney
Old Stone Chimney at Rose Belle
Clementine Sugar Mill Chimney
The Vale Old Sugar Mill Chimney
L’Union Old Mill Chimney
Sebastopol Old Mill Chimney
Antoinette Old Mill and Chimney
Elmina Sugar Mill Chimney
Bel Air Sugar Estate Chimney
Belle Terre Chimney
L’Union Old Sugar Mill Chimney
Mon Loisir Sugar Mill Chimney
Mont Songe Old Mill Chimney
Britannia Sugar Mill Chimney
L’Union St Aubin Old Mill and Chimney
Beau Vallon Old Sugar Mill Chimney
Ferney Old Sugar Mill Chimney
St Aubin Old Chimney
Albion Old Sugar Mill Chimney
Mon Rocher Mill Chimney
Petite Retraite Old Sugar Mill Chimney
La Gaiete Old Sugar Mill and Ruins
Gros Cailloux Old Distillery and Ruins
Belle Isle Old Sugar Mill Chimney and Estate
Minissy Old Sugar Mill Chimney
Ile D’Ambre Sugar Mill Chimney
St Avold Sugar Mill Chimney
Bon Espoir Sugar Mill Chimney
L’Unite Old Sugar Mill Chimney
La Laura Old Sugar Mill Chimney
L’Industrie Old Sugar Mill Chimney
This list will be frequently updated, so check back from time to time.
You can find all their locations here