Vacoas Transport – NTC – 1970s
Vacoas Transport was a bus company serving on the routes of the town of Vacoas and its surrounding suburbs, and which unfortunately had faced operational difficulties during the late 1970s. As a result, the company was taken over by the Government in the early 1980s and the National Transport Corporation was then set up. Its new aim was now to operate public transport services in Mauritius. From modest beginning after taking over the assets of ex-Vacoas Transport Co. Ltd, NTC has grown into a major transport institution as of today. Image shared by: Alasdair Ward
According to its website, it is the largest fleet owner of the island with some 524 buses, covering almost fully the urban region and more than one third of the route network of the country. Daily on school days, the Corporation operates 470 buses out of its fleet of 525 buses on 78 major routes (almost 35% of entire route network of the nation) spread throughout Mauritius in every direction. Some 200,000 commuters daily patronize the Corporation’s services.
A few souvenirs of the Vacoas Transport Bus Company
During the last decade the Corporation as the leader in transport sector introduced following customized services and novelties to the satisfaction of one and all. The Corporation is envisaging participating fully in the future projects namely customized services, non stop express services and services to other part of City Center.
Some history about its past can be read here
And some other views of the Vacoas Transport in operation before 1980s