These old colonial buildings certainly dates back to the early British period and it is sad how they are no longer preserved as they should. Some are even at the point of crumbling down. La Chaussée street in Port Louis was among the busiest streets even back then and is still today and so many historical events happened there. Some of us might have certainly heard about that fire which broke out in 1893 and destroyed nearly all the buildings…
If we take a walk from the beginning of this street till its end, we will certainly still admire those other architectures from the British period; from the start, we now have the HSBC Bank, which was then the Bank of Mauritius, built somewhere around the 1860s. We also have the Ruisseau du Pouce which extends to the harbour, and the bridge there labels the early 1800s. Even the Blyth buildings are from those times.
Long live the history of Mauritius, hopefully!